
Archive for February, 2015


So you’re worried about the rent, you’re worried about your boyfriend, you’re worried about your weight, your age, your health, your career, your future, your parents, your children… the state of the nation, the terrorists, the economy… damn it… you’re worried. Yes you are. And the mind is going on and on and on… it’s like a war zone in there – in your head – and you can’t stop it. Never, ever, ever. And sometimes it’s just too much. Sometimes… well lots of the time, it’s driving you crazy… CRAZY.

Oh how I wish, wish I could turn it off. At least for a little while so I could find some peace. And of course that’s when we turn to drink or drugs or we turn on the television or we go online or exercise or go shopping or eat too much. We’re trying to turn it off, turn off the mind. Yes, turn it off… we’re screaming inside. Do something else. Because… can’t I just have a little peace… why can’t I just relax? Why can’t I just feel okay? What’s going on in me? Why can’t I stop this incessant chatter, the incessant barrage, the never-ending, always active Monkey Mind?

And then, well okay, there is sleep. Yes blessed sleep… at least for some of us, at least for many of us, we get a break, we get a chance to turn off the mind when we sleep… the mind, that incessantly active Monkey Mind… oh blessed sleep…

And then there’s this thing we call sex. And sometimes, maybe oftentimes, there’s this wonderful, magical, fantastic moment when we reach orgasm. Aaaahhh yes… ORGASM! Aaahhh YES ORGASM! When suddenly… at least for a moment or two, we surrender everything! EVERYTHING! And I mean EVERYTHING… we surrender every thought, every word, every concept we have and the mind goes absolutely, positively blank! Yes completely blank! And we’re flying high and we no longer care about the career or the rent or our boss or our weight or even about our boyfriend (even if he’s the one inside you) and we’re just gone – in heaven! Because finally – FINALLY – we’ve lost our f*cking minds! Yes in the moment of orgasm – we literally lose our f*cking minds! And it feels so fabulous! Abso-fucking-lutely fabulous! Because finally we’ve stopped the chatter and are totally present in this amazing NOW moment.

So… no wonder we’re all so hooked on sex – all of us… no wonder…

Because what happens when we’re present in this amazing NOW moment? Well we catch a glimpse of our True Nature which is this timeless, carefree, All-Present, All-Powerful Bliss Consciousness… which is beyond language and beyond thought and beyond everything we can conceptualize which is why… would you like to F*CK????


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Wondering what’s behind “Good Pussy Bad Pussy”? Here are some great interviews about the book for your reading pleasure:

”What do you do with a Good Pussy Bad Pussy?” interview on Sex In Word.ca: http://bit.ly/1LiMa0z

Interview about why I wrote “Good Pussy Bad Pussy” on Crazy Mind.com: http://bit.ly/1CSu9l7

“Writing erotica? What me?” Interview on Pittsburgh Flash Fiction Gazette by Guy Hogan called “I Write Erotica: Amy Aimee”: wp.me/p4l6rJ-aZI

Tim Spencer – erotic book narrator – interviews me about “Good Pussy Bad Pussy”. Posted on his site here: http://bit.ly/1woo54z

Talking about the Big O and “Good Pussy Bad Pussy” in the Naughty Readers Boudoir here: http://bit.ly/1DPWuKW

BillieRosie interview about “Good Pussy Bad Pussy” on her blog here: http://alturl.com/t4ns7 

My publisher Bedroom Books interviews me here about writing “Good Pussy Bad Pussy”: http://bit.ly/1vlbykh

January Gray’s Author Spotlight featuring A. Aimee and “Good Pussy Bad Pussy” here: http://bit.ly/1Ddl6jL

Erotica for All in the UK features A. Aimee with an excerpt from book here: http://bit.ly/1LkYKON

Author interview with A. Aimee about writing “Good Pussy Bad Pussy” featured here: http://bit.ly/1CSuPqP

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How are you holding the sexual experience?

Sex and the different levels of energy

Most everyone knows there are different levels of energy – whether or not a person has formulated this awareness consciously in his or her mind or put words to it.

Everyone can feel the difference between feeling angry or feeling loving. Everyone can feel the difference between feeling depressed or happy. Everyone can feel the difference between being confused and being clear. We all know that these are quite different and distinct feelings. And the energy of these different feelings feels quite different and distinct.

We also know that the energies of depression, fear or anxiety make us feel heavy, lonely and make us want to withdraw from life. While the energies of love, passion and enthusiasm make us feel open and happy and make us feel excited about life.

So we could say some energies make us feel good while others make us feel less good about ourselves and life.

So on a scale from lower (at the bottom of the list) to higher – we can generally categorize the energies like this:

High, good-feeling energy

Love / passion / enthusiasm / joy / happiness

Acceptance / seeing life for what it truly is

Intellectual understanding / rational thinking / clarity

Courage / willingness to participate in life

Anger / aggression / blaming others

Fear / anxiety / blaming self

Depression / blaming self

Guilt / shame / blaming self

Low, bad-feeling energy

When we frame things in this way, we can see that the lower energies make us feel less good about life and ourselves while the higher energies make us feel better about life and ourselves. So in this connection, isn’t it logical that the way in which we relate to sex depends on what energy level we are vibrating on because this will determine how we hold the sexual experience?

So it can be interesting to ask yourself – how am I holding the sexual experience? Am I holding it with the energy of love, joy and enthusiasm or am I holding it in an energy field of anger or fear or blame? Where am I (or someone I know) on the scale of energies when it comes to the sexual experience?

You can also look around and see how different segments of society hold the sexual experience. Some people and groups are in the shaming and blaming frequency, while others are in the anger-jealousy frequency. And some are further up the scale in the loving, joyous frequencies. It’s really pretty easy to assess where people are when you take the time to notice.

It’s an interesting experiment. Just take a step back and think about what level people are vibrating on in general. You will discover it’s pretty obvious. Then think about some of the people you know and you will see it right away. Some people are just complainers. It’s so obvious when you think about it and you know it immediately. Because complaining is a very special energy. You can also easily identify those people you know who are joyful, positive and appreciative. It’s easy to identify them because joy and appreciation feel quite different from anger, sadness or anxiety.

With this in mind, if we go back to the sexual experience, we can then see that people and their relationship to the sexual experience must automatically be affected and influenced by the vibrational frequency they are operating on. So yes, there are people who are sad and depressed and who are sad and depressed about life in general and their sexual experiences in particular. And some who are feeling shameful about their bodies and their experiences – sexual and otherwise. And there are some who are anxious and still others who are angry. And finally, there are those who are accepting and even joyful, passionate and loving when it comes to life in general and the sexual experience in particular. So it all makes perfect sense when you understand the general frequency levels people are vibrating on.

Which brings us back to our starting point: What about you and me? Well it’s obvious isn’t it! If we want to improve our sexual experience, it’s a good idea to get some good foreplay going and work on raising the level of our energy. Because it’s the level of our energy – in other words the frequency we are vibrating on – that is going to determine how the sexual experience is for each of us!


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He understood my body language immediately because he let go of my nipples and lifted my legs expertly and placed them one on each arm of the chair so I was spread eagle before him. I stiffened in surprise, remembering I had no panties on. He went down on me, not waiting for my consent, but tasting me slowly and making me wet. Oh my God I thought… was this me? Was I really doing this?

But yes I was… and then…

Oh my, oh my…

I heard myself moaning at the thrill of his tongue touching me.

He was good… goodness was he good…

He removed his lips from me and put his fingers up me with a gentle firmness that bespoke a knowingness of women and years of experience. I gasped. He came up to me again and began kissing me on the mouth, keeping his fingers in me at the same time. I moaned as he kept on touching me knowingly, kissing me and bearing down on me. There was no resisting him now. And I felt myself opening even wider under his expert touch.

“You’re…” I mumbled not knowing how to react, confused by the intense pleasure I was feeling.

“I want to see you come,” he murmured in my ear, his fingers emerging slowly from inside me and again playing gently with my innermost lips, caressing them ever so softly. Ahh… The softness of his touch was exquisite, so exquisite. And he waited as I sighed even more deeply and he continued to caress me with such perfect gentleness until he knew that I wanted him too, wanted him to see me surrender completely to his touch.

Then he went down on me again, this time even more slowly, kissing my very wet pussy and doing things to me with his tongue that I’d never experienced before.

I heard myself gasping again with pleasure.

He was a man who could take me exactly where he wanted me to go. And he did. I was defenseless against the tide of liquid desire he released in me. And then I felt it; the confusion of emotions, the rush of ecstasy, the warmth, the wetness. I heard myself moaning and I grabbed his hair – I was nearing the point of no return. I cried out… shaking and trembling, exactly as he knew I would… exactly… and I was there, precisely where he wanted me to be… there as the tide of liquid desire swept me away… and I disappeared happily, ecstatically into the ecstasy of the most amazing, shuddering climax.

No man had ever made me feel like that before. Ever!

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